Day Programs
Innovative Day Programs and Respite Activities
Welcome to one love community care (olcc), your haven for Holistic growth and personal transformation. At olcc, we’re all About nurturing every aspect of your being—mind, body, and spirit. Our diverse range of day activities is like a compass on your journey Towards self-discovery, healing, and empowerment, guiding you to A more fulfilling life.

Olcc is more than just a place for personal growth and healing. It’s A supportive community that welcomes you with open arms. Whether you’re looking to deepen your meditation practice, build Emotional intelligence, or create meaningful social connections, Olcc offers expert guidance and a nurturing environment.

Engage in activities like meditation and self-awareness practices, Self-love and body love sessions, confidence-building days, and Emotional intelligence workshops to enhance your inner harmony. Explore relationship building and social connections through our Curated events and dating programmes aimed at finding your Person or soulmate.

Our unique offerings include animal and art therapy for creative And compassionate healing, trauma-informed practices, and Techniques for healing transgenerational trauma. We also focus on Practical aspects of wellness with goal-setting workshops, women’s Empowerment practices, and monthly dance parties celebrating The art of living joyfully.

Join us at olcc to embrace healthy living, eating, and cooking Classes, fitness for life programmes, and so much more. Step into a Community where your well-being is our priority, and together, let’s Create a life filled with love, joy, and purpose.

At olcc, we are dedicated to fostering a community where Individuals can thrive through personal growth, healing, and Empowerment. Our comprehensive day activities are designed to Support your journey towards a balanced and fulfilling life.

Our Activities are Holistic, Adventurous and Aimed at Building Connection & Confidence
Meditation and Self-Awareness Practice: Discover inner peace and clarity through guided meditation sessions and self-awareness practices. Enhance your mindfulness and connect deeply with your true self.

Self-Love & Body Love:
Embrace self-love and body positivity through our nurturing workshops. Learn to appreciate and honour your body and mind, fostering a healthier relationship with yourself.

Emotional Intelligence:
Develop your emotional intelligence with our specialised Workshops. Gain insights into managing your emotions, Improving interpersonal relationships, and enhancing your Overall well-being.

Relationship Building:
Strengthen your connections with others through our Relationship-building sessions. Learn effective Communication, conflict resolution, and ways to deepen Your bonds.

Social Connections:
Join our community events to build meaningful social Connections. Engage in activities that foster a sense of Belonging and mutual support.

Dating to Find My Soulmate:
Navigate the journey of finding your soulmate with our Dating programmes. Receive guidance and support in Creating genuine and lasting connections.

Dream Building & Vision Boards:
Manifest your dreams with our vision boarding sessions. Clarify your goals and create a visual roadmap to your ideal Future.

Animal Therapy:
Experience the therapeutic benefits of interacting with Animals. Our animal therapy sessions provide comfort, Reduce stress, and enhance emotional well-being.

Art Therapy:
Express yourself creatively through art therapy. Utilise various Artistic mediums to explore and process your emotions in a Safe and supportive environment.

Trauma-Informed Practices:
Participate in trauma-informed practices designed to Provide healing and support. Our compassionate approach Helps you navigate and overcome past traumas.

Healing Transgenerational Trauma:
Address and heal transgenerational trauma with our Specialised programmes. Break the cycle and create a Legacy of resilience and well-being.

Goal Setting:
Achieve your aspirations with our goal setting workshops. Learn effective strategies for setting and reaching your Personal and professional objectives.

Women’s Empowerment Practices
Empower yourself with our women’s empowerment sessions. Engage in activities that boost confidence, foster Independence, and celebrate womanhood.

Monthly Dance Parties and the Art of Living Joyfully:
Join our monthly dance parties to celebrate life and joy. Dance, connect, and experience the liberating power of Movement.

Healthy Living, Eating, & Cooking Classes
Adopt a healthier lifestyle with our living, eating, and Cooking classes. Learn to prepare nutritious meals and Embrace habits that promote overall well-being.

Fitness for Life:
Stay active and fit with our fitness for life programmes. Engage in fun, gentle and inspiring exercises tailored to your Needs, promoting physical health and vitality.

Aboriginal Indigenous Culture: Connection to Country, Community, Spirit, the Power of Place and Belonging:
Immerse yourself in the rich aboriginal indigenous culture with Our connection to country sessions. Explore the profound Connection to community, spirit, and the power of place and Belonging. Understand and appreciate the deep-rooted Traditions and wisdom that promote a sense of identity and Harmony.

Be Seen & Transform Me Photography Session:
Experience a transformational photography session with an Artistic, creative storyteller who can capture your essence and Elevate your self-esteem and confidence. Perfect for personal Memories, relationship milestones, and professional Development, this session helps you see yourself in a new, Empowering light.

Swimming, Natural Hot Water Springs and Hydrotherapy:
Enjoy the therapeutic benefits of swimming, natural hot Water springs, and hydrotherapy. These activities are Designed to relax your body, soothe your mind, and promote Overall physical wellness.

Nature Connection Healing:
Reconnect with nature and country by engaging in Therapeutic activities that harness the healing power of the Natural world. Through guided walks, mindful interactions With the elements, and meditative practices, you will learn to Deepen your senses, and harness your connection to earth, Water, air, and fire. Experience the restorative benefits of Nature, reduce stress, and foster a profound sense of peace And belonging.
Join One Love Community Care And become Part of a vibrant, supportive community Committed to your holistic growth and well-being. Together, let’s create a life filled with Love, joy, and purpose

Reach out to one of our caring staff today by Sending through an inquiry below or phoning Us on (07) 569 99644

Referral Intake Appointments