Free Bird
Welcome to FREE BIRD
There is Great Power in your Story
Real Stories of Mental Health, Trauma, Recovery, Neurodivergence, & Living with Purpose

Welcome to FREE-BIRD, a compelling podcast, video series, and interview platform by One Love Community Care (OLCC). Our mission is to shed light on the uncharted territories of mental health challenges, neurodivergence, pain management, transgenerational trauma, relationship dynamics, cultural, societal, and environmental influences, and substance abuse. We’re here to share your stories and celebrate your journey towards healing, recovery, and living with purpose.

This shift has the potential to unlock untapped human potential and foster a society that values and supports the diverse ways we learn and grow.

At FREE-BIRD, we believe that real-life stories are the most powerful catalysts for change. Your experiences can inspire, educate, and uplift others navigating similar paths. We know that discussing topics like mental health, disability, surviving abuse, and addiction can be daunting, but we believe in the transformative power of these conversations. By opening dialogues and sharing experiences, we aim to break the stigma, empower communities, and create sustainable connections and solutions for future generations. Also, we believe that the unique experiences of neurodivergent individuals are like a cognitive kaleidoscope, offering diverse ways of learning about themselves personally and socially. This vibrant spectrum of neurological diversity has the transformative power to reshape our environments and education systems, challenging traditional narratives and exploring new knowledge structures.
Our Focus Areas
  • Mental Health Challenges: Share your journey through the highs and lows of mental health. Your story could be the beacon of hope someone needs.
  • Neurodivergence Unleashed: By embracing the distinctive cognitive styles of neurodivergent individuals, we open doors to fresh insights and creative problem-solving, enriching our collective understanding of the world.
  • Disability: Share your experiences of living with a disability and the challenges you’ve overcome.
  • Transgenerational Trauma: Explore the deep roots of trauma and how you’ve managed to heal and grow beyond it. We care about your Story and want to provide a platform for your Voice.
  • Relationship Complexities: Share your insights into navigating the complexities of human connections, love, and support. What have been the challenges and breakthroughs?
  • Cultural Influences: How has your culture shaped your experience with mental health, trauma, addiction and recovery? Share your unique perspective.
  • Substance Abuse: If you’ve battled addiction and emerged stronger, your story can inspire others on their path to recovery.
  • Pain Management: Tell us how you’ve learned to manage physical or emotional pain. Your strategies may help others in similar situations.
Share Your Story with us
We’re looking for real-life individuals who want to share their experiences and contribute to building awareness around these challenging topics. We encourage you to access the courage to share your story of heartbreak, hope, and purpose. We want to hear from you. Your journey can be a source of strength for others walking a similar path.
How to Get Involved
If you’re ready to make a difference and participate in FREE-BIRD, please answer the following questions in this simple form. An OLCC support person will be in touch with you soon for a confidential chat.

    Referral Intake Appointments