Diversity & Inclusion bkp
Diversity & Inclusion
At One Love Community Care, our core values revolve around diversity and inclusion, with a strong commitment to respecting and valuing all individuals’ unique experiences and needs. We prioritise intersectionality, recognising the intricate interplay of identities and challenges that people face. Our approach is deeply rooted in cultural sensitivity and competency, embracing people from different cultures, religions, and backgrounds, including First Nations communities. We extend our unwavering support to women at risk of domestic abuse and those facing mental health challenges or with disabilities. Our mission is to create an inclusive space where everyone feels seen, heard, and empowered, fostering a sense of community and belonging for all.
Women’s Empowerment & Domestic Violence Intervention
Women are the intrinsic leaders of our society, their talents shining brightly in every corner of our world. Their diverse and fierce voices deserve to be heard, respected, and celebrated. At One Love Community Care, we stand unwaveringly committed to empowering and supporting those who have experienced, are at risk of, or are currently experiencing domestic violence in any capacity. We believe in the strength and resilience of every woman, and we are here to provide a safe and nurturing space where their voices can rise, their talents can flourish, and their futures can shine as beacons of hope. Together, we can create a world where every woman’s potential knows no bounds.

We acknowledge that domestic violence can occur in varying ways, and is challenging and difficult to navigate in anyone’s experience, regardless of the circumstances. At One Love Humanity, we recognise that domestic violence and abuse can occur not only as physical violence, but also as emotional, verbal, spiritual, religious, and financial abuse, among others. We understand that whilst domestic violence disproportionately affects women, there are many communities that pose a higher risk of potentially falling victim.

Additionally, we are devoted to providing safe and appropriate services to clients experiencing domestic violence, to ensure security and protection for victims. Our team is dedicated to ethical and responsible practice and receive frequent and comprehensive training in this area.

If you are, or have been a victim of domestic violence, please let our friendly and empathetic staff know, and we will make it our mission to support you through this difficult time.

Furthermore, One Love Community Care holds a strong passion for women’s empowerment. As a community driven organisation, we recognise the importance of identity, agency, and integration into community, for individual mental health outcomes.

What does women’s empowerment look like at One Love Community Care?
  • Tailored Support Services
  • Education and Employment Opportunities
  • Specialised retreats and events for women
  • Support groups [for daughters, mothers, victims of DV]
  • Community activities and engagement
  • Holistic Programs
  • Relationship Building
  • Economic Empowerment
  • Cultural Respect and Sensitivity
  • Mental health counselling and support
  • Mediation and intervention
  • Advocacy and support for victims of domestic violence and abuse
  • Advocacy and support for victims of systemic abuse
Referral Intake Appointments